Sajjad Torabian

[email: torabias at uci] [cv: pdf]

I Love Teaching

I think it is important to remember we're interacting with humans when we teach, and that can make us alive. Practically speaking, we can get to know our students. The first step I take in my classes is to learn their names! Below are the university courses I've TAed for:

Intro to Psychology (UC Irvine)

Psychology Fundamentals (UC Irvine)

Intro to Programming Languages (University of Louisville)

Discrete Mathematics (University of Tehran)

My start was however when I graduated from high school, and I returned to my school as a teacher:

Discrete Mathematics


Discrete Mathematics

C++ Programming

Intro to Information Technology

I also love giving talks to large audiences. I think transmitting information to others can make us aware of what lies inside. Below is me teaching engineering audience about psychology and neuroscience:

@ University of Tehran:

@ Amirkabir University of Technology: